Best villager trades for emeralds

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  • All Minecraft Villagers and their Trades Listed

    Trading is a fundamental part of Minecraft if you want to get unique items or attempt speedruns. You can get all kinds of resources from enchanted armor to food and Ender Pearls.

    However, while you may expect the villagers to want emeralds for every trade, there is a surprisingly complicated tiered system that changes with each update. If you’d like to learn more, continue reading to find a comprehensive list of all Minecraft villagers and their trades as of 1.19.3.

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    – Answered

    All Minecraft Villagers and their Trades Listed

    Minecraft Java and Bedrock Editions have very similar trading mechanics, with the main differences being the XP values each trade provides for the villager.

    The list below describes all Minecraft villager and their trades for both Java and Bedrock Editions!


    LevelRequired ItemItem Given
    NoviceCoal x15Emerald x1
    NoviceEmerald x5Iron Helmet x1
    NoviceEmerald x9Iro

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