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    For the mechanic used with piglins, see Bartering.

    Minecraft villager trades chart

    The trading system is a gameplay mechanic that allows players to trade principally emeralds for items (and vice-versa) with villagers, as well as wandering traders.


    Pressing use on an adult villager with a profession, or on a wandering trader, opens a menu, allowing a player to trade with the villager or wandering trader.

    This action pauses any pathfinding the entity was doing. If the entity takes damage while trading, the trading menu closes.

    All transactions involve emeralds.

    Fletcher villager trades

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  • Minecraft villager jobs
  • Villager trades bedrock
  • Villagers buy or sell goods for emeralds, and wandering traders sell items for emeralds but do not buy items. Trading is the only legitimate method of acquiring the globe banner pattern, woodland explorer maps, and ocean explorer maps in Survival mode.

    It is also the only renewable way to obtain bells, diamond gears (unless if the "Villager Trade Rebalance" data pack is turned on for diamond gears)[note 1], lapis lazuli, bottles o' enchanting, glass, sand, red sand, coral blocks, and small dripleaves.

    Villagers have five

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