Minecraft comes alive reborn

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    minecraft comes alive how to change villager skins
    minecraft comes alive reborn how to change skin
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  • Minecraft comes alive how to change skins
  • Minecraft comes alive skins list

    Minecraft comes alive skins not working!

    Hello! PaxtelGutzzz here! I've been getting a lot of asks where how do you add skins? Well, here it is!

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  • Minecraft comes alive how to change appearance
  • Minecraft comes alive skins not working
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  • Minecraft comes alive skin editor
  • You need to do this exactly (Replace the brackets and words with yours)

    You need to first make a folder.

    It should have this layout exactly (The brackets replaced with the name of your folder.

    [insert folder name here] pack.mcemeta pack.png > assets .mcaaccessroot (just create this in a txt format and save as like the name.) > [Name of Pack] > skins > clothing > normal > male > female > neutral (I think zombiefied versions, I'm not sure) > [Insert profession folder here] (Remember, the folders are NOT case sensitive.]

    Making the pack work[]

    In order for the pack to work, you need to paste this into pack.mcmeta.

    (Use notepad or anything else, for an example I'll be using mine.)

    { "pack": { "pack_format": 6, "description": "Minecraft Comes Alive Transformers Resource Pack" } }

    The pack format is what version your pack is, since MCA 7.0.0+ is 1.16.5 the pack format is 6.

    However, the description is what you see when you load up the resource

      minecraft comes alive how to add your own skins
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