Minecraft spruce house tutorial

    minecraft spruce house tutorial
    minecraft spruce house tutorial easy
    minecraft spruce house tutorial survival
    minecraft spruce house tutorial step by step
  • Minecraft spruce house tutorial
  • In this tutorial we will build a large spruce House..

    Welcome to my Minecraft Spruce Starter House Tutorial!

  • Welcome to my Minecraft Spruce Starter House Tutorial!
  • 2 years ago #minecraft more.
  • In this tutorial we will build a large spruce House.
  • Learn how to build a beautiful spruce starter house in Minecraft with this step-by-step tutorial.
  • Today, we are going to build a simple spruce survival house.

  • Budget Spruce Starter House

    Another small spruce starter house with two floors and a farm on the first floor. However, this one is kinda budgetable, which means you don't have that many resources and space to work with.

    And to maximize the spruce wood usage, you should turn most spruce logs into planks, stairs, slabs, and fences.

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    More Details: Budget Spruce Starter House

    Easy Symmetrical Spruce House

    This large house is totally built using spruce wood as you can see by looking at the pillar, the wall, or even the roof.

    Stone blocks and other greeny blocks are used to decorate the exterior and therefore, this house creates a good feeling of being home after some long and dangerous adventures.

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    More Details: Easy Symmetrical Spruce House

    Cozy Compact Spruce House With Porch

    In case you're wondering how can you build a compact spruce house with a porch, this design will give you the answer!

    By taking advantage of every possible space, a one-block wide porch is created by a simple idea. However, this specific house is super tiny

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      minecraft spruce house guide