Minecraft glass texture

        1. How to make glass in minecraft wiki
        2. Stained glass minecraft

        3. Minecraft glass pane
        4. How to make glass pane in minecraft
        5. How to make tinted glass minecraft
        6. Glass minecraft recipe
        7. How to make glass pane in minecraft...

          This article is about the solid block. For the thin block, see Glass Pane. For other uses, see Glass (disambiguation).


          Glassis a transparent solidblockthat can be dyedinto stained glass, or crafted into tinted glass.



          Glass drops itself only if it is broken with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch. Otherwise, it drops nothing.

          Glass does not have an assigned tool; it is mined at the same speed regardless of what tool is used.[1]

          Block Glass
          Hardness 0.3
          Breaking time (secs)
          Default 0.45

          Natural generation[]


          A secret room containing glass can be found inside woodland mansions.

          Black stained glass minecraft

          Glass is also generated in ancient cities.

          Stained glass

          Magenta stained glass blocks naturally generate as windows in end cities.




          Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 50% chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

          Journeyman-level librarian villagers have a 23 chance to sell 4 glass for 1 emerald.‌